Speutering Day

Posted: March 2, 2011 in The Purrrrs

Dear all,

Our Meowmy is organising a one-day CAT SPEUTERING (Spay + Neuter) DAY for her friends in Facebook. The program will be held on 6 March 2011 at the vet clinic in Bangi, where is far away for us to participate and meet our purrrriends out there.

Can u see the handsome me? - Jebat

Dr Nurul & Dr Joe from Honey Veterinary Clinic are so kind to speuter all the domestic cats with low castration fee. RM 50 for male, RM70 for female. Terrific huh!

More than 40 cats have confirmed their attendance. Good luck with the castration, my purrrriends! We will purrrray for u. Purrrrs~

Meowmy said, I and my brother Bellack will be neutered on the same day in Penang. What? Pffttttt!!

The Handsome Purrrrs,
– Jebat Cullen –

  1. sillylupie says:

    Yay!!! 🙂
    Your Meowmmy did a greaaaat job with organising despite being so far away!!!

  2. Papa Hero says:

    ada sambutan nampaknya…

  3. meowwmania says:

    tahniah utk Nerq!

    i’m so proud of u darling 😉

  4. Sekalong Tahniah dan jutaan t/kasih utk semua yg terlibat..

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