DIY Littertray Idea For Bunny

Posted: June 10, 2011 in Inside The Playpen

A new rabbit owner was asking me about my bunnies littertray. So i have to dig some photos i shared in one of the local forum i joined last 3 years.

I have 12 bunnies in 10 separate cages in the Rabbit Room. I cant afford buying expensive littertray with grill on top, so I DIY them myself.

These are what u need for your DIY littertray :
♦ Cheap plastic trays, RM2-3 each from Kedai RM2 or HappyHome Shop nearby.
♦ Wiremesh/net. U can easily get it from hardware shop, RM6-8/meter. 1 meter can make 6 littertrays depend on the tray’s size.
♦ Wire cutter to cut the wiremesh/net

Cut the wiremesh. Make it bigger than the littertray.

Bend the each end of the wiremesh. This is to prevent your bunny from step into their urine.

Taraaaaaa! A simple littertray with grill on top! Easy rite?

I don’t use any litter material or bedding in the littertray.But if u’re using bedding material like Woodypet, u can use a wire net and put it on top of the bedding to prevent the bedding from kick out of the tray.

To maintain the littertray to be as clean as new : Soak the littertray with vinegar for 10-15 minutes once a week or at least 2 weeks once to get rid the urine stain. Then scrub and wash with mild detergent 🙂

  1. luq says:

    wow..kne try ni..tapi cmna nak train dorg to use it??..cmna nak leh jaga 12 bunnies in 1 room?? indoor..??respect gler..i only have 4..tapi tak larat nak jaga kebersihan dorg..huhu..kan u give me tips…cmana nak bg cage dorg bersih with min effort and min cash…cmna layout in the cage?? any feeding system?? sbb geram je..beli makann mahal2..last2 bertaburan je..huhuh..n how many times u feed them n how much ek?? huhuh lately stress sgt2 nak jaga dorg (padahal dah lebih sethun da..huhuh)

  2. Rachel says:

    Hi, I was wondering if the mesh will hurt there feet. i have read that a cage with a wire floor is harmfull to their feet so i was wondering how this would be different.

    • Nicole says:

      Hi Rachel, I believe the problem with wire netting/mesh is when the rabbit is on it constantly. Keeping a rabbit in one of those cages with a wire bottom is not good for the rabbit, leading to pain and injury, because there’s no relief. A situation like this I would think poses no problem — assuming the rabbit’s nails are kept trimmed (that’s another risk with wire flooring — caught and torn nails; but that can be prevented with regular grooming). I have seen this style of litter box sold in stores and I’ve never heard anyone warn against them. Just my two cents!

  3. NaschKatze says:

    Excellent, excellent, I was searching for a DIY as my wanna be furball is a lionhead with long furr, and here they do not sell at all grilled litterboxes.

    Thank you for sharing Megan

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